
Health Tourism- Medical and Wellness Tourism

It involves the dimensions of transport, accommodation and hospitality, interacting with other types of tourism - Beach and Sea, Green/Nature, Cultural, Gastronomic, Luxury Tourism, and others.

Wellness tourism - prevention, SPA treatments, thermal spa, Mediterranean diet ...

Medical Tourism - improving health- treatments, surgeries, Check-ups .... .


Private and Public Entities in the field of tourism and health

Spa Hotels and Spa Resorts,

Thermal Spas, Hot Springs

Hospitals including Private Clinics

4 strategic axes

1 - Sustainable development of the tourist territory.

2 - Differentiation and innovation of products and services

3 - Streamlining agents and markets

4 - Streamlining, rationalizing and training

Enhance cross-selling. Reach the markets that best respond to the challenges of growing in value and that allow tourism to be expanded throughout the year and throughout the territory

Health Tourism and Territorial Sustainability - Combat seasonality inherent in other types of tourism, improve sustainability and quality of services. Respect for the natural, cultural and economic resources of the territories. This balanced combination of factors is crucial for local and regional development,.


People from different regions of the world travel to enjoy this type of tourism.

Measurable indicators and consequent statistics should be created in order to measure the importance, growth and impact of Health Tourism on the tourist economy in general.

A European directive on cross-border healthcare was created in 2014 Cross-border Patient / Health mobility policy - Directive 2011/24 / EU

Health tourism today represents about 5% of the tourism industry in the EU (27 countries, corresponding about 0.3% of the EU economy. (Before COVID19 Pandemic)

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